Anthony Cascardi

Professor, Sidney and Margaret Ancker Distinguished Professor

Anthony J. Cascardi is Professor of Rhetoric, Comparative Literature, and Spanish, and served for ten years as Dean of Arts and Humanities. He is also former Director of the Townsend Center for the Humanities and of the Arts Research Center. Cascardi’s research interests include the relations between literature and philosophy; aesthetic theory; the novel; and early modern Europe. His books include The Subject of ModernityConsequences of EnlightenmentCervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics; and The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy. His most recent book is Francisco de Goya and the Art of Critique, published by Zone Books. Among his current book projects is "Literature for a Future President, in a Series of Letters:  What to Read and Why."

Education: PhD (Romance Languages and Literatures), Harvard



(510) 642-1205
4120 Dwinelle Hall

Research Interests

Literature and Philosophy
Aesthetic Theory
Early Modern Literature